Monday, June 7, 2010

Mini ODE Woodhill Pre-Training

Off to Woodhill for their Mini ODE. Cobs warmed up awesome however when we were going round the arena he was feeling lazy so I growled & kicked him on and then he went nuts - started groaning and going sideways. Bad Mum LOL!

So the first half of our test was absolutely terrible. The entry was great though LOL! Then as if a flick had switched the second half was really, really nice. Dick.

I was a bit nervous before our jumping as I haven't done a proper SJ course on him for what feels like forever. I tried to remain sitting up & thinking about what I was doing the whole time. Unfortunately the round got messier the more we went round LOL!

He jumped great though - super proud of him. I was very lucky that my friend Michelle videoed us so that is the first time I have seen us jump for a long time & I can definitely see some improvement.

Our xc was a bit wiggly/woggly but he tried really hard. He backed off jump three so got a growling into that one but the rest of them he was fine. I was actually pretty proud of the both of us.

Just need to sort this dressage shit out - sigh. Nothing for us for a while I don't think as I am finding it too hard to ride during the week so will just take things one day at a time.

Here is the video link to our SJ round :

XC Lesson with John 5th June

Had a XC lesson with John down at Woodhill - shared with Vanessa again.

He started us off trotting into a PT mobile thing which Cobs thought was fabulous as then he could jump like a goon & be naughty the other side. He got over that after the first few times so that was good.

Then we went out onto the XC course. John told us which ones he wanted us to do - Vanessa the big ones and me the middle ones LOL!

I went out and did the first jump okay & then pulled him off the second as I froze. I am SO SICK of doing this. I think it was because it was slippery or something - I don't know but its doing my head in. So represented him and felt better so off we went. Cobs got a bit excited by the whole thing and was trying to throw his legs round after the jumps but was too slippery for that LOL! We had to drop into the water & jump out. Again I froze on the jumping out bit so we did that a few more times and by the end of it I felt more comfortable. Was just not keeping the connection from landing through the water but once we got that sussed he was a really good boy.

I went out & did the xc course again & this time we stormed round it so that made me feel a little better about things :)

We then went and did some sj starting off with a single jump and practicing staying sitting up etc which is something I need to work on. We then went into related lines and roll backs etc. I was actually quite happy with how this went and Cobs jumped super. There was one time where I gunned it but knew I had done it straight away - one jump out of ten is good for me though LOL!

John then got us to rollback onto a white vertical - didn't realise how big it was until I was a few strides out & luckily didn't panic so Cobs leapt over it. Measured it later & it was a good 1.05-1.10 so pretty proud of that effort :)

The thing I like about John the most is the whole time he gives you suggestions on how to fix things. He said he doesn't say the word "don't" when he is teaching as its too negative a word and the brain fixates on this. All little things to think about which really cement into your brain & make you think about things.

Another great lesson - got a lot out of it again. Not sure when the next one will be but this has given us a lot to work on until then anyway.

Lesson with Liz 4th June

Had our first dressage lesson in what seems like ages - I was actually pleased with how things went.

I have found since I have been going to osteo/pilates that I must be sitting straighter as Cobs has definitely changed on the left rein. I am acutally finding it a bit difficult to be honest but at least I know things must be changing.

Today we got some super trot work out of him - really nice & forward and up in front. Our canter was a bit hairy as always but eventually came right.

All in all very pleased with how it went.