So how they ran the event was six show jumps then onto six cross-country jumps then back in the ring to do the show jumps again. The show jumping was quite twisty and the lines to the jumps wasn't the greatest which was a shame as we really need a nice flowing course to give us the confidence we need. We just ended up doing the 85cm round.
Anyway we had one stop in the first SJ round - wasn't a very nice jump and Cobs just stopped at it going WTF?? So back round we came & he cleared it by a million miles (photo below). Went out to do the x-country and Cobs was wiggling everywhere not understanding what the hell was going on LOL! Got a growling into the first fence and then stopped dead going through a gateway...almost got me off the little snot LOL! Rest of the course he did really well - so pleased with him. Did the SJ number four perfect this time so we had a great time. Shame the day took so long as he was really quite over the whole thing.
No idea if I got anywhere - I just wanted to get home & with one stop and us just taking it easy round the course I doubt we would have been in the running.
First part of double first SJ round:
Scary number 4 after our stop:
Last fence first round (love this photo):
XC fence Number 2:
XC Fence 3 - picnic table:
Drop into water:
Cantering towards finish:
SJ Number 4 not scary this time round: