Too much pressure got put on Cobs and he just didn't cope with it. At all. By the end of the lesson he was just stopping in the arena and wouldn't move. Was SO upsetting & I was worried that all the hard work I have put into him would have gone out the window so I organised to have a lesson with Liz so we could work through any issues if they arose.
To say I was a bit apprehensive would probably be an understatement however I shouldn't have worried. Cobs was a really good boy. Could definitely tell that we hadn't had a lesson for six weeks but he tried really hard.
He got a bit tense however once he figured out that things were just normal he relaxed again so super happy with him. My riding on the other hand.....lets just say legs were the word of the day LOL!
Cobs is now on a holiday until the ground softens up. Will aim to do the winter stuff with him again like last year to keep him going.