Monday, August 4, 2008

Cobber 2008

So I have finally joined the land of bloggers :)

Quick update on where Cobs & I are at. We did our first Pre-Training January 2008 & got double clear so was stoked with that. We did two more Pre-Training starts and then the season ended so looking forward to this season.

Here are some photos of the boy to bring you up to speed:)

Helensville Dressage Day - placed 3rd

Warkworth Pre-Training ODE - placed 6th overall

Practice day at Waimaukau - as you can tell water is a huge problem for us...

Down at one of the local arenas with Michelle giving me a lesson & being photographer :)

1 comment:

Talisman Farm said...

All the best with your blogging - looks great so far! :o)