Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lesson with Hayden

Today we had our first lesson with Hayden since June..was amazing how much I had forgotten and took a while to get back into the swing of things.
We started with trot poles to try and get Cobs to lift up and start to move properly - I have been having issues with our left rein so it was good to work on that.

We then just cantered round & over a fence to get our canter striding right. I tend to gun the last few strides so it was more about me sitting back & waiting for the fence rather than looking for the stride...very hard for me not to do LOL!

Cobs getting a sharp reminder that tanking off isn't acceptable!

We then went and did some lines and changing legs over the fence etc. Again was a good reminder on simple things.

To top it off we did some X-country fences to give Cobs something else to look at as he was being a spooky idiot.

Cooling down :)

So all in all a fabulous lesson and can't wait until the next one!

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