Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lesson with Jamie 9th May

Had another great lesson today. Worked mainly on our canter which we need heaps of work on as I stuff around with it too much & then proceed to stuff our jump up.

So was good to go through it again and then do some related lines and mini courses. Cobs decided that stuffing around after the jump was the order of the day so just did lots of getting him back into a nice rhythm etc after the fences.

We did some grid work - just two strides to a one stride. I was pretty pleased with him as he didn't try to chip in or anything (oh I know why, cause I had the right canter at the first fence LOL!).

Looking forward to next weeks one - again have more of the same homework to do. Hope the weather is better next week so I can put some homework into practice so we can actually make some progress from the lessons. We had torrential rain before I hopped on & then after our lesson had finished so that was great - pure luck!

Kristal came to watch so she took photos while Mum videoed so have the best of both worlds!

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