First dressage lesson in six weeks....and didn't it show!!
Jesus I am getting so angry at myself that I just can't seem to make improvements with my heels, stop blocking with my left shoulder and actually sitting straight on my horse! Grr!! But luckily I have a few lessons booked so fingers crossed we start to make progress.
Cobs was great today - have hardly ridden since last week and had a horror ride on Tuesday so thought he might be a bit of a brat but he wasn't thank goodness.
We started back to basics and did a lot of transitions etc - getting me to think about things and prepare better. Was good to do all of it again as when the showgrounds eventually become dry enough to ride on I will remember what we need to work on.
Our canter was a bit hairy today. As I have said before with us its always the first thing to go pear shaped so was to be expected.
We did some medium trots and some leg yielding but by then Cobs was abit over the whole thing so started to look for things to spook at. As soon as we got some more nice work we left it at that as he tried really hard & on a whole was great.
So what to work on.....lots of squares, transitions, faster responses from the both of us....and me riding properly!
Liz showed me a great way to stop him from leaning on me and it worked really well so can't wait to practice that a bit more :)

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