We warmed up over some canter poles adjusting our strides which was a great exercise - we actually nailed that pretty quickly so that was good.
As he was fresh we started with a small cross on a canter circle and just bored him to tears basically until he stopped trying to be a brat after the fence. That took some time LOL! I think in the end tiredness won :)
We then went on and did a few courses getting me to concentrate on just having one canter - I tend to gun him the last few strides which then gets him all rarked up when we land. So that was good. Where I thought we had horrible spots he actually jumped really nicely so just have to sit there & let it happen (yes I know, continuing theme). Also he is jumping & landing left so I have to really make sure I keep him more to the right than normal.
We then did a two stride double with a filler for the second jump - Cobs decided he didn't much like that jump so ducked out to the left (like normal). So Mr Whippy came out for a visit - needless to say I think he may think again about the whole left running out option :) It was what he needed and I was happy that it happened with Jaime there so I know how to ride him into fences I think he will back off from.
We didn't really do much as the both of us are terribly unfit - the weather has been crap and we haven't been able to ride at the showgrounds for various reasons. Fingers crossed the weather is on the improve so we can get back into the swing of things.

This horrible jump is the result of me gunning him at it :

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