Cobs did a really nice dressage test to come second which was just awesome! It was nice & consistent, no spooking etc. The arenas were nice and had lots of room between them - what suits him best.
We did a nice SJ round however got time faults again - I was sure we had a better canter this time round but I guess not so we will continue to work on that. He jumped well though and feels great so thats the main thing.
Although we got time faults we were still lying second going into the XC which was exciting! However the weather was shite - rained for some of the morning & was really quite drizzly so I decided to play it safe and go for clear rather than the time.
Things started off well with him jumping the fence he didn't like last year beautifully so that was good. However we came into the sunken road and he leapt into it & I just wasn't prepared enough so pulled him round & represented. He did a HUGE leap and I saw something fly past us.....our stirrup....fabulous!!! I asked the jump judge to help me however he wasn't horsey so it took FOREVER for him to get the stupid thing so we could start again. By this time about three people had passed us so I pretty much thought sweet, will just cruise the rest of the course! No point when we would have had a million time faults by this stage!
He jumped the rest of the course okay - we got a bit rattled so never really got our rythym back but he was good. Jumped the corner really nicely as it was on a funny line so that was good. I didn't feel like we had enough impulsion to get out of the water (I hate the water jump there for some reason) so I represented him at that also.
I am pretty damn stoked with him to be honest - what happened wasn't his fault and he still jumped really nicely round the course. And we got second in the dressage which for him is fantastic.
Win some you lose some - part of owning horses isn't it! And from now on the stirrups will be my number one thing I check!!

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