After our not so successful run at Greenhithe I put a late entry in for Woodhill Sands Horse Trial. We were number one for dressage which is great as it always suits him to not have many horses warming up around him. He warmed in really nicely & did a nice test. He blew two movements by shooting forward for a few strides but on a whole I was stoked with it. It appears that the judge didn't like it much so we got what I consider quite a harsh mark. We were lying 14th out of 28 so not too bad I guess.I got myself into a complete tizz for the SJ. I don't know what is going on but I really feel like I have lost heaps of confidence with it. Our warm up wasn't that great and included him slamming into the practice fence. I know its something I am doing so I really have to get on top of things before he starts to lose his confidence as well.He went clear in the SJ. Wasn't the nicest round he has done but it was good. They penalised me with 13 time faults which I thought was insane but however. This later got changed to 10 which I still think is on the steep side as we cantered the whole way round the course etc. Never mind shit happens! Just made me more determined to have a good ride on the XC on the Sunday!The XC course was nice - didn't think there were many hard fences but you just never know what they will take aversion too!I didn't have to worry - Cobs just stormed round. Had such a wicked time on him. I was still hanging onto his face a little as the photos show - think it was more nerves than anything as I can't remember the last time we did a full on xc course. And jesus what the hang is going on with my legs! I need to tape them to his side or something. Poor pony.We went clear with no time faults so ended up 13th overall. SUPER happy with this result. Shame about the SJ time faults but never mind - whats done is done. Kind of gutted that the season is all but over!Sorry loads of photos!
I booked a lesson in with Liz to see if we could possibly try to work on my straightness issues before I have another lesson with Jaime.I have been doing a lot of work with him this week so I really hope there is a difference this weekend when we jump again.Lesson with Liz was fantastic - started off on the lunge etc again to see what I was doing & the effect it had etc. Then once the lunge came off we did LOADS of squares in every pace. By the end of it we were doing pretty well. My left shoulder is the main issue - I keep bringing it forward which twists everything else out of place. I am getting rather frustrated that I know what I am doing wrong & how to fix it however I need someone constantly reminding me to change it. GRRR. Fingers crossed it will become a GOOD habit soon and we can actually move onto other things LOLCobs was a freakin star tonight - first lesson with spurs and he was great with him. He was so tolerant of me changing things the whole lesson. Couldn't have asked for more from him.Not many photos as my camera has died (sob).
Went up to Jaimes for our first lesson with her since January. Cobs was actually pretty damn good so stoked with him.Unfortunately all our bad habits have come back to play. Cobs has this hideous habit of when he is mid-air he veers left. I feel I am taking off in the middle of the jump however every time we land we are landing left. As my left side is painted on I guess I am just not strong enough to catch this and fix it. This is why we have so many issues in combinations as he isn't straight and then our striding is wrong for the second part of the element.We worked on that HEAPS and eventually got it. Although once I got that sorted my canter had gone backwards again as I was concentrating too much on getting things straight. Sometimes having a lesson makes you feel like you don't know a bloody thing!Jaime hopped on and worked Cobs for me to see if it was me causing the left side issue - unfortunately this was confirmed LOL! She also jumped him and was surprised at how quickly he went from being straight to diving left. She worked him through it though and has given me heaps of exercises to try and get this issue sorted out.I love watching people ride him - he went so nicely for her. Now I know he can go like that WATCH OUT COBS LOL!!

Finally I found a competion to do! Unfortunately I have only ridden twice this week as have been struck down with a hideous stomach bug so we were not prepared but I was determined to give it a go.We did tests 2.1 & 2.3 so nothing too hard in them.Cobs was SO unsettled in the warm up - took a while to work through & eventually kind of relaxed. Our tests were always going to be tense & the first one was no prize winning test! He leapt around and shied at things etc - normal bring back into work, haven't been out for ages crap. I made a course error as well which didn't help our dismal % but never mind!The second test was a little better - I was pretty exhausted by the end of it though so I didn't have the strength to push him on when he needed it.Its his first dressage test since middle of December so with that in mind & the fact we couldn't do anywhere near the amount of preperation I normally like he did quite well. I knew he was going to be a bit of an egg to take out again - maybe not as bad as he was but it was expected. Overall I am happy and thats all that matters :)
Off to see Liz which was awesome - I can't wait to get into a routine of fortnightly lessons with her as we improve so much with her help.Cobs was pretty good though - we haven't really gone backwards after our break so that was a relief. My position has gone to the pack which is pretty normal - decided I am going to buy a new dressage saddle and that will fix all my problems (tui advert anyone??!!)I have entered the next Woodhill Dressage day so we just did some movements out of the tests. Our canter is pretty hairy so not sure how we will fudge the tests but we have to start somewhere again.Cobs tried hard but got a bit pissy with having to do some proper work so threw a few tricks in (see photo below) - normal stuff for him but doesn't make it any less frustrating.Unfortunately I have been sick since this lesson and our dressage is in two days - not sure if I will manage both tests but we will go down there & give it a go. Bad timing!