We were number one for dressage which is great as it always suits him to not have many horses warming up around him. He warmed in really nicely & did a nice test. He blew two movements by shooting forward for a few strides but on a whole I was stoked with it. It appears that the judge didn't like it much so we got what I consider quite a harsh mark. We were lying 14th out of 28 so not too bad I guess.
I got myself into a complete tizz for the SJ. I don't know what is going on but I really feel like I have lost heaps of confidence with it. Our warm up wasn't that great and included him slamming into the practice fence. I know its something I am doing so I really have to get on top of things before he starts to lose his confidence as well.
He went clear in the SJ. Wasn't the nicest round he has done but it was good. They penalised me with 13 time faults which I thought was insane but however. This later got changed to 10 which I still think is on the steep side as we cantered the whole way round the course etc. Never mind shit happens! Just made me more determined to have a good ride on the XC on the Sunday!
The XC course was nice - didn't think there were many hard fences but you just never know what they will take aversion too!
I didn't have to worry - Cobs just stormed round. Had such a wicked time on him. I was still hanging onto his face a little as the photos show - think it was more nerves than anything as I can't remember the last time we did a full on xc course. And jesus what the hang is going on with my legs! I need to tape them to his side or something. Poor pony.
We went clear with no time faults so ended up 13th overall. SUPER happy with this result. Shame about the SJ time faults but never mind - whats done is done. Kind of gutted that the season is all but over!
Sorry loads of photos!

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