Cobs warmed up really nicely for his dressage test but unfortunately he got overcooked a bit as the judge was taking a while between tests. By the time I came to do the test he was a bit over it so wasn't as relaxed and flowing as he can be. It was still an okay test though & we got 30 for it and was in 5th place.
The SJ course was nice - one silly line down a hill to a right angle so just trotted that bit. Cobs warmed up really well - I only jumped the practice fence twice as the ground is too damn hard to do heaps of jumps!!! In the SJ he did the first three fences really nicely and then came the silly corner which just didn't flow so jump 4 was a bit messy. The next line was a vertical, five strides to a one stride double. Part B caused a fair few problems and sure enough Cobs backed off it too. As he was too busy gawking at part B he took a rail at A but still jumped B so that was good. The rest of the course felt nice & I was wrapped with it. As normal we got time faults LOL! Whatever.....doesn't bother me!!
Only eight of us went through to the XC. I felt it was a good course - some jumps looked on the higher side of PT but as a whole it was nice.
Cobs stormed around it - had such a great ride. We ended up with .8 time faults - we did go a lot faster than we usually do between jumps so we are getting there!!!
In the end we ended up 1st overall which was a HUGE shock! So proud of my boy :)
Unfortunately the girl that was placed first was eliminated as it appeared she had got lost on her XC and her friends were yelling at her about missing some jumps so she was eliminated for outside assistance. We did not put a protest in as obviously I was super happy with coming second but we asked the TD if outside assistance was allowed - he knew about it already by his reaction so unfortunately she had to be eliminted. How gutting for her! Bet her friends don't ever do that again :)

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