Had my first private lesson with John today and WHAT a difference...worked through some major issues I have and now I am crystal clear on what to do to fix things.
Cobs has ALWAYS jumped to the left & I have just accepted that this is what he does etc. Tried different ways to work through it but never anything that has really worked.
Well we did a lot of flat work today and on the right rein John got me to counter-flex him to get him straight. I have a habit of pulling back on the right rein so he curls & his quarters swing in (no news to anyone reading this blog - its on almost every lesson update!!!). So this worked really well and John got me to over give with my inside rein so Cobs was finally sitting on my outside rein.
When we got to do the jumping I had to counter-flex him round every corner and make the square so then our approach to the jump was dead straight. And guess what??? Cobs jumps straight. DUH. John said what I have been doing in effect is shortening his right hand side so he has to jump left as its the rein that allows him to jump. I mean for freaks sake - I have been struggling with this for HOW long & its something this simple???
So wish it was summer so I could put this all into practice!!!
We worked an awful lot on my legs (as per normal) and keeping my left hand up as I have now got into the habit of turning my hand over. By the end of the lesson my horse actually felt even in both reins and awesome!!!
So super stoked with Cobs - he was quite feral in the jumping leaping about after the jump etc but thats just him and we aren't doing enough of it for it to become boring again.
My aim is to definitely do Training level this season - I really feel that we are actually ready for it. I have no doubt we will have some issues etc doing this but there is only one way to work through it & thats to try. Roll on September!

Hey that sounds good - its amazing what having a lesson with someone new can do - give you something new to try! Good that you are feeling keen for the next season!! I'll have a bit of catching up to do if you go to Training!
Will we see you at chilly Taupo for the spring trial?
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