We started off doing poles etc again and to my surprise I was actually better than last week so that was good. Then did a small jump to get us both in the right frame of mind etc - no mucking around from Cobs today so that was nice!
We then trotted into the wall and got him in deep so he started to use himself properly.
Then onto the same related line we did last week....however I have been going over & over this in my mind all week and what do you know.....we actually did it bloody well. Unfortunately I was making the mistake of riding the first jump in a line to get to the second so Cobs started to bulge out his left shoulder again so we had to stop & regroup and get my focus on what needed to be changed.
It worked really well & by the end of it we were jumping the straighest we have ever done. John wants me to continue my focus on getting him on my outside leg on the left rein so that will make the whole bulging shoulder thing go hopefully.
We ended up doing three lines and got perfect strides in all three & conquered the stupid related line like it had never been a problem so totally thrilled. I still drove him into a few jumps but on a whole I feel my riding has got better since having lessons with John.
Damn him for leaving!
My friend came and took a video of the lesson for me as well - this is our final round of the day:

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