Saturday, August 14, 2010


Well before I lost complete motivation we had a FANTASTIC dressage lesson with Liz.

I only get to ride four times a week at the moment if I am lucky and 99% of them are just hacking out on the road so considering all this we haven't gone that far backwards.

We got some super trot & canter today - I was very proud of the both of us & for once I was not getting yelled at about my legs etc so maybe, just maybe things are improving.

I still have a mental block with lateral work & unfortunately its now becoming an issue as Cobs is getting really confused with what I am asking him to do as its not making sense.

Because of this I am going to try another instructor just to see if a different approach will help. I love Liz and will still go to her as well however this needs to get sorted now as I would like to do some elementary unregistered stuff on him this year if possible.

As I type this the weather is shite outside but at least its not cold! Spring is definitely in the air if my rides of late have been anything to go by as they have been VERY bouncy.

We have also put our house on the market and found a house we want to buy so things are pretty stressful so I am hoping thats why my motivation levels have gone. Not long till the season starts though so they had better come back damn quickly!