Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another Weekend Update

Yet another fine weekend in Auckland.....two in a row is a bit of a miracle!!

Had a great horsie weekend - took Cobs down to Woodhill Sands on Saturday morning for a ride. Unfortunately they hadn't harrowed/wet the grounds down since the SJ show last weekend so the going was quite hard.

Cobs just didn't feel right at all - he was really mincing and just wouldn't go forward. I know him well enough to know when he is just being naughty but it didn't feel like that at all. I didn't ride him for long as there was no point pushing it.

Today I met Michelle up at Limbury Park for a jump session. Cobs was actually wicked - I sucked LOL! Michelle got us to do bounce to a one stride....she thinks I don't see her put the jumps up but I do :)

He actually went really well and didn't feel sore/short or anything so that was great after yesterdays ride.

Michelle ended up putting the jump up huge and that scared the crap outta me so I rode like a moron (see below photo) but he was cool! So she took it back down for me & we jumped it nicely again.

Very pleased with the boy today :)

Woodhill Saturday

Limbury Today
Henious huge jump LOL!

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