Sunday, April 19, 2009

Woodhill Sands Dressage Series Day One 19th April

First day of the Ungraded Winter Dressage Series at Woodhill Sands today. We had entered the Novice tests - purely to challenge ourselves. I don't think we are serious contenders at this level but with the frequent changes of pace & movements in the tests its good to keep Cobs thinking and keep me thinking ahead at all times etc.

First test was 2.1. Started off really well - got an awesome medium trot which was one of the first movements so was happy with that. However things didn't continue as they started.....Cobs had a major meltdown at the noise of some horses being loaded onto a truck. We were half way through our first canter so decided to just forfeit that movement and stayed trotting attempting to keep my cool & get him back to listening to me. Our next canter was pretty much straight away and he managed to do that okay. He did break in the canter so I just balanced him back up and asked for the canter again. He then settled down really well and the rest of the test was great.

I am so stoked with him as not long ago him having a meltdown would have meant the rest of the test was a write off so the fact that he came back to me and then worked nicely again is just great.

Second test was 2.3. He was SO good in this test. Tried his little heart out for me and I am very proud of him. I completely died in the canters though - totally ran out of steam and started to ride horrendously LOL! He kept trucking along though so that was great.

Ended up that we got 2nd in our second test - I knew our test was nice for us but definitely wasn't expecting to get placed.

Dad came along & took some photos as Mum was videoing. There was also a photographer there so can't wait to see how those have come out.
Photos of 2.3:

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