Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rosedale Training ODE

Off we went to Rosedale for their Training ODE.  I walked the course the night before & it was quite a hard training course I felt.  There was one jump in particular that I emailed them about that night to be told to suck it up basically.

Cobs warmed up nicely for the dressage & then got told that they had changed our dressage times....awesome.  So hopped off him and stood round for almost an hour.  I hopped on again as the judge came and he went all tense & stupid.  Tried to warm up but he just got worse.  Because they had mucked us round there was no-one to do the dressage so I offered to go in.  Thinking they would at least give me one trot round the arena but NO.  Soon as I left the judges car she rang the bell.  Went to go in the ring & he just went dog and was all tense & sideways.  Got a growling in the corner and after about three movements finally relaxed & did some okay work.  Was pretty disappointed as he had warmed up so nicely & if we had done our test at the time we should have it would have been a nice test.

Anyway...walked the xc course again and the jump I was most scared of didn't look as horrendous so figured I would give it a go if things felt okay.  He was an absolute idiot in the warm up ring which was....exciting I guess?  Maybe it means he finally has the idea of xc??

So the first jump was a nice jump up a hill, he stood off that and pinged off.  Next the dreaded #2 - it was a hedge that had been grown over a normal fence - was max brush height etc.  Came into it and the take off was all fugged up from others stopping so I stopped riding into it.  I could NOT get my head around doing that jump - I was most scared about him dragging a leg through it and getting caught in the wire.  So I made the decision to just flag it & went and did the intro one instead.  MUCH nicer.  Third was a big roll top which he did okay, fourth log which he jumped nicely.  Fifth was the water complex - had to drop in, canter through (long water jump!) and then jump out and then a stride to a skinny.  He jumped in really well and cantered through but half way through just died so we jumped out & missed out the skinny, I came round to do it but there was no way there was enough room so just cantered round it.  Next was quite a big table top but that jumped okay.  The the sunken road - big vertical, one stride to ditch then one stride out over another vertical.  I just jumped the ditch & last vertical.  Then was probably the coolest jump on the course - skinny in between two Jeeps.  That was wicked & he jumped that really nicely.  Next up was a palisade, then tyres then out the back to a big corner.  Did all three really nicely.  Then a nice big long gallop round to a max height oxer with flax bushes - got a hugely long stride off that one but was cool.  Next up was an big upright with hay bales stuck down the middle of it - was worried about this one with it being so upright but he flew over it.  Next was another ramp thing - easy.  Then there was a very gappy oxer with a ditch under it.  Wasn't worried about this one but as we came up to it he was all disunited - I half halted a bit too harshly so he went down to trot & then just died in front of the jump.  Came round & did it again & again he trotted into it but had enough bounce in his step to launch over it.  Then the last was a ramp which we absolutely flew over.

Was SO super happy with him.  Yeah sure we got eliminated but I don't want to push him and if I am not riding confidently then there is the potential for things to go wrong.  On the upside though from about number 8 through to 14 he really took me to the jumps & felt super confident.  Of course there are no photos from that side of the course damn it!

I didn't do the SJ as there wasn't much point.  Save his legs for another day.






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