Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lesson with Hayden 4th November

Well it had been a few weeks since our last lesson & you could tell LOL! We worked a lot on straightness on the flat and he had me doing an exercise holding my whip with my thumbs so I could feel the pressure etc and make me more aware of what my hands were doing. Was a great thing to do & after we had done that for a while the difference in Cobs was really noticeable. Will definitely be something I will continue to practice.

Trotting with whip over thumbs:

Much straighter canter:

We then did some more jumping off the stride over small jumps. Then came the dreaded bounce exercise....I have a morbid fear of bounces so I was feeling quite ill about the whole thing to be honest. Didn't need to worry though as Cobs surprisingly didn't back off even though I am sure I rode into it the first time like a complete nana LOL! We then did related strides to & from the bounce & corners etc...again all simple stuff which we quite clearly need to work a lot on.

Have one next week so off jumping on Sunday to practice what we learnt so hopefully we will see an improvement on Tuesday evening.

God awful bounce:

White Jump:

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