Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lesson with Jaime

Had the day off work today to take Cobs to the dentist so managed to fit in a lesson with Jaime.

Todays lesson was good but man I rode like a muppet. About half way through the lesson things just went totally wrong & I kept stuffing up so had to stop and regroup. Just over thinking things AGAIN (for something different to do...not).

Cobs tried really hard and when I rode him properly he was great. He was a little bit behind the leg today so I needed to ride him the last few strides before the jump - you know the habit I have been trying to get myself out of! I give up LOL!

But it was a reminder to me that I have to ride him differently depending on what mood he is in - not every ride is going to be the same & I have to adjust to that. Just when you think things are going better things just remind you that actually they aren't!

We did quite a few courses which is what I need to practice on so that was good. Also did a bounce everytime which I didn't freak out at so thats got to be a good thing!

We managed to get our strides right in a four stride line - Jaime told me when we had done it once that it was good that I managed to get the striding right as it was a really long four for him which he normally struggles with so at least something good came out of the lesson LOL!


Nicky said...

Haha take all the top rails off and that looks remarkably similar to my lesson yesterday LOL You guys are looking awesome :)

FeetNZ said...

GREAT pics!!
Some of those jumps are getting up there in height.