Monday, April 5, 2010

Woodhill Sands Dressage 4th April

Finally I found a competion to do! Unfortunately I have only ridden twice this week as have been struck down with a hideous stomach bug so we were not prepared but I was determined to give it a go.

We did tests 2.1 & 2.3 so nothing too hard in them.

Cobs was SO unsettled in the warm up - took a while to work through & eventually kind of relaxed. Our tests were always going to be tense & the first one was no prize winning test!

He leapt around and shied at things etc - normal bring back into work, haven't been out for ages crap. I made a course error as well which didn't help our dismal % but never mind!

The second test was a little better - I was pretty exhausted by the end of it though so I didn't have the strength to push him on when he needed it.

Its his first dressage test since middle of December so with that in mind & the fact we couldn't do anywhere near the amount of preperation I normally like he did quite well. I knew he was going to be a bit of an egg to take out again - maybe not as bad as he was but it was expected. Overall I am happy and thats all that matters :)

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